Archive For The “Author – Ed Wallace” Category
Media & Lawmakers hiding costs of Lake Powell Pipeline? By Ed Wallace / Publisher at KUTV reported TODAY that “A proposed pipeline to bring water from Lake Powell to Washington and Kane Counties will cost $3.2 billion, according to the Utah Rivers Council, a group opposed to the pipeline. The Utah Rivers Council also…
By Ed Wallace / Publisher at / August 2, 2019 has released their annual 2019 Legislative Report Card on the Utah Legislature. UtahGrassRoots is an all-volunteer, non-partisan organization and has been issuing an annual legislative report card since 1992. The Constitutions of the nation and state are the guides which GrassRoots uses in…

REP. TRAVIS SEEGMILLER Earns #1 Top Lifetime Constitutional Conservative Ranking Among Utah Lawmakers News/Op by Ed Wallace, Publisher – July 31, 2019 Rep. Travis Seegmiller (HD62) tied with 1 other Rep. (Adam Robertson-HD63) for the First Place ranking in the “Top 25 Representatives Lifetime” category and took 2nd out of 75 Reps. in the 2019…

From a Press Release to / April 15, 2019 The Alliance for Utah’s Future (AUF) is a non-profit, Utah, independent coalition founded in 2018 by like-minded individuals, citizen activists, and organizations that support efforts to protect the laws, values and traditions of Utah, the U.S. Constitution and the American Dream. Our mission is to…

Utah’s Left & The Rising Culture of Hate By Ed Wallace & the Utah Yaks Folks, we have slipped into a whole new level of contention. Earlier this week, Rep. Karianne Lisonbee (HD14) had to evacuate her family from their home under the cover of police protection due to threats from those angry about…

Ed Wallace & Utah Standard News Receive KMV Award Published January 28, 2019 Related article – KMV Awards: The Anatomy of a Miracle) Ed Wallace and Utah Standard News won the KMV Award for most accurate journalism and Utah’s Best Print Media for their outstanding efforts to promote measures that protect voters’ constitutional rights. Wallace…

KMV Awards go to Local WashCo Residents For Utah Standard News / January 26, 2019 “Keep My Voice” (KMV) awards went to two local WashCo residents, Ed Wallace/ and Travis Seegmiller, for their outstanding efforts to promote measures that protect voters’ constitutional rights. KMV was launched in 2013 by local Utah citizens concerned with the…

KMV Awards: The Anatomy of a Miracle Published January 25, 2019 Filed under Under Our Dome, US News, Utah, Utah Main. Total of 2 comments in the discussion. KMV Awards: The Anatomy of a Miracle By Ed Wallace, Publisher of / January, 2019 Note: The author and Utah Standard News received the KMV Award…

How Did We End Up With ‘Mitt McCain Flake? NewsOp by Ed Wallace / Publisher at / 1/3/2019 Romney hadn’t even assumed office and Utah voters are already frustrated that he has joined the chorus of the left by criticizing a largely successful conservative president. He didn’t choose an accurate or respected news source…
REPORT: Count My Vote (SB54) – The Story So Far By Ed Wallace & The Utah Yaks / Dec 21, 2018 Useful Links: VIDEO – Why Are We Appealing the #SB54 Decision? – SB0054 – Utah State Legislature – – Text of bill A Brief History of Keep My Voice…
John Curtis EXPOSED. iProvo: Incompetence or Corruption? By Ed Wallace & the Utah Yaks / Nov 1, 2018 Related article: Report: JOHN CURTIS EXPOSED: A Trail of Sexual Harassment, Incompetence, and Broken Contracts John Curtis likes to take credit for bringing Google Fiber to Provo while he was Mayor. Was it his greatest political accomplishment…

UT School Board Member Stalked by KUTV2 News Published August 8, 2018 Filed under Media Bias, Under Our Dome, US News, USN Columnists, Utah. Total of 2 comments in the discussion. UT School Board Member Stalked by KUTV2 News News/Opinion by Ed Wallace, Publisher of / August 8, 2018 Chris Jones, “Crime and justice”…

Today’s Special Session: No Time for Transparency or Ethics Published July 18, 2018 Filed under Under Our Dome, USN Columnists, Utah Main. Total of no comments in the discussion. Today’s Special Session: No Time for Transparency News-Opinion by Ed Wallace / Publisher at / July 18, 2018 The Utah State Legislature will meet today…

Gov. Calls for Special Session. Hold Onto Your Wallets and Liberty. Published July 16, 2018 Filed under Under Our Dome, USN Columnists, Utah, Utah Main. Total of no comments in the discussion. News-Opinion by Ed Wallace / Publisher at / July 16, 2018 Governor Herbert has just called for a SECOND special session of…

Utah’s Media Falsely Attacks DOS Nominee Dr. Ron Mortensen Published May 29, 2018 Filed under Immigration, Media Bias, US News, Utah. Total of 2 comments in the discussion. Utah’s Media Falsely Attacks DOS Nominee Dr. Ron Mortensen Opinion By Ed Wallace / Publisher at / 5/29/2018 Utah’s Dr. Ronald Mortensen, Ph.D., has been nominated…

Commentary By Ed Wallace / 4/26/2018 The discussion about the UTGOP’s division is illustrative of the division in our country and how a minority is doing everything they can to destroy our democratic republic. I’m referring to democrats and liberals who refuse to lose. When they have nothing positive to contribute to the process, they…

Utah’s GOP Swamp – Have We Reached Bottom Opinion by Ed Wallace, Publisher at – 4/20/2018 A major effort has been underway in the Utah GOP to deceive, confuse, and mislead GOP members and delegates into thinking a small minority of State Central Committee members (the gang of 51) are using guerrilla tactics to…

By Ed Wallace Here is the video of Enid Greene Mickelson’s comments WITH CAPTIONS. “One of the greatest problems we had at the convention in 2012 was the overreach by the Romney legal team in trying to do away with all the caucuses, in trying to change the process at the federal level to tell…
Published March 2, 2018 Filed under Under Our Dome, US News, USN Columnists. Total of no comments in the discussion. Republish Reprint Report: What’s the Ruckus about GOP Bylaw Change? Propaganda vs Truth News/Opinion Compiled & Written by Ed Wallace / March 2, 2018 NOTE: Thanks to Don Guymon, Brandon Beckham, Fred Cox, and others…

Published February 20, 2018 Filed under Under Our Dome. Total of no comments in the discussion. Admin Edit. Republish Reprint Donald & Mitt’s Love-fest. This Can’t Be Good. Can it? OpEd by Ed Wallace – 02/22/2018 The bizarro world of politics morphed into “The Twilight Zone” yesterday with President’s Trump endorsement of Mitt Romney’s candidacy…