Archive For The “Mitt Romney” Category

How Did We End Up With ‘Mitt McCain Flake? NewsOp by Ed Wallace / Publisher at / 1/3/2019 Romney hadn’t even assumed office and Utah voters are already frustrated that he has joined the chorus of the left by criticizing a largely successful conservative president. He didn’t choose an accurate or respected news source…

Published March 21, 2018 Filed under Executive, Immigration, Under Our Dome, USN Columnists. Total of no comments in the discussion. Republish Reprint By Ronald Mortensen / March 21 2018 / Columnist at Utah Standard News As governor of Massachusetts and as a presidential candidate Mitt Romney took a very hard line on illegal immigration. In…

Published February 20, 2018 Filed under Under Our Dome. Total of no comments in the discussion. Admin Edit. Republish Reprint Donald & Mitt’s Love-fest. This Can’t Be Good. Can it? OpEd by Ed Wallace – 02/22/2018 The bizarro world of politics morphed into “The Twilight Zone” yesterday with President’s Trump endorsement of Mitt Romney’s candidacy…
Published February 21, 2018 Filed under USN Columnists, Utah. Total of no comments in the discussion. Republish Reprint UnFair – Off Balance – UnMedicated Utah Media Bias Marches for Mitt, and NO ONE ELSE OpEd’s by Ed Wallace – 02/21/2018 The last time I saw this level of fawning was back in 1964 when girls…
Published February 20, 2018 Filed under USN Columnists, Utah. Total of no comments in the discussion. Republish Reprint NewsOp By Ed Wallace – 2/19/2019 Mitt Romney, conservative and protector of the little people, said a whole lot of nothing yesterday about his stance on guns. “I don’t think we can just wait and hope things…
Published February 16, 2018 Filed under Politics, Under Our Dome, US News, USN Columnists, Utah. Total of 1 comment in the discussion. Admin Edit. Republish Reprint Another Day… Another RINO: Romney announces… finally Opinion By Ed Wallace / 2/16/2018 Don’t you just love America? You can be anything you want. You can say anything you…