Posts Tagged “2019 Tax Reform”

Analysis: Who was the major driving force behind the sales tax on services initiative? by Ronald Mortensen, Ph.D. – Columnist at Utah Standard News – 8/15/2019 Dr. Mortensen is a co-founder of Question: – Who was the major driving force behind the sales tax on services initiative as reflected in HB441? Answer: The Salt…

Who secretly paid for Utah’s TAXapooluza Road Show? News/Opinion by Ed Wallace / Aug 14, 2019 A citizens group has submitted GRAMA requests to the Utah Legislature and Governor Herberts’s office for documents relating to the funding of the Tax Reform Road Show (Tax Modernization). There was a fiscal note appropriation to fund and compensate…

For Utah Standard News / 6/28/2019 Sandy, UT—Utah Republican Party leaders debated and passed a resolution opposing tax increases and the proposed new tax on services at their State Central Committee meeting last Saturday. The resolution, sponsored by St. George attorney Larry Meyers, calls on Utah’s Republican legislators and Governor “to restrain government spending as…