Archive For The “News” Category
Media & Lawmakers hiding costs of Lake Powell Pipeline? By Ed Wallace / Publisher at KUTV reported TODAY that “A proposed pipeline to bring water from Lake Powell to Washington and Kane Counties will cost $3.2 billion, according to the Utah Rivers Council, a group opposed to the pipeline. The Utah Rivers Council also…

REP. TRAVIS SEEGMILLER Earns #1 Top Lifetime Constitutional Conservative Ranking Among Utah Lawmakers News/Op by Ed Wallace, Publisher – July 31, 2019 Rep. Travis Seegmiller (HD62) tied with 1 other Rep. (Adam Robertson-HD63) for the First Place ranking in the “Top 25 Representatives Lifetime” category and took 2nd out of 75 Reps. in the 2019…

Facial recognition uproar leads back to legislators’ and Herbert’s desks. They’re shocked. by Dr. Ronald Mortensen, Columnist at Utah Standard News / July 11, 2019 Key Points: – Governor Herbert and legislators were asked during the 2019 legislative session to protect the personal identifying information (PII) of Utah driver license holders but they failed to do so. –…

For Utah Standard News / 6/28/2019 Sandy, UT—Utah Republican Party leaders debated and passed a resolution opposing tax increases and the proposed new tax on services at their State Central Committee meeting last Saturday. The resolution, sponsored by St. George attorney Larry Meyers, calls on Utah’s Republican legislators and Governor “to restrain government spending as…

From a Press Release to / April 15, 2019 The Alliance for Utah’s Future (AUF) is a non-profit, Utah, independent coalition founded in 2018 by like-minded individuals, citizen activists, and organizations that support efforts to protect the laws, values and traditions of Utah, the U.S. Constitution and the American Dream. Our mission is to…