By Ed Wallace & The Utah Yaks – 3/18/2018
Publisher’s Note: The Official Minutes submitted by the Party Secretary, Lisa Shepherd for the 9/9/17 meeting were not approved at the Nov SCC meeting. With great disrespect, Rob Anderson said they were too long. After reading this, maybe he’ll consider before doing that again. The meeting was a disaster and a farce that included potential criminal behavior and civil litigation. After reading this, you may gain some understanding why he disapproved.
Related Article Report: ROB ANDERSON: The Face Behind the Mask
The following is a short summary of what happened at the 5+ hour meeting of the 9/9/17 SCC meeting. This meeting was seen as shocking and outrageous by most in attendance. One veteran attendee stated, “Rob Anderson (new Party Chair), Joni Crane (his Vice Chair) and Carrie Dickson (Parliamentarian) exhibited the most egregious and bullying behavior I’ve ever witnessed at a SCC meeting. They ignored SCC members and twisted the rules to their advantage and made sure that their supporters were allowed to gain voting seats on the SCC and EC without even having to go through elections.”
The meeting included at least 23 serious and blatant violations of SCC rules and parliamentary procedure. Click here for a summary of Meeting Violations
The meeting was held at the N. SLC Hall and was attended by 133 members according to the online attendance report “SCC ROSTER 2017-2019 Official updated 12-5-17 LS.”
Chairman Rob Anderson opened the meeting at 10 a.m. A prayer was immediately offered followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Anderson then stated that emails were going to sent out a month in advance of any activity or announcement. He announced a fun fundraiser with the elephants at the zoo and a Christmas social on 11/25. He also announced a change for the next SCC meeting from 11/18/2017 to 11/4/2017; caucus night on 3/30/2018; and the nominating convention on 4/21/2018 at the Maverik Center.
Anderson moved that the agenda be adopted without any objection. Lynda Pipkin (Weber County) immediately objected and asked that the officer reports be moved until after agenda item 10.C. Then, Kathleen Anderson (UFRV and the Chair’s wife) moved to amend Pipkin’s motion to allow the Chair’s report, and then move the officer reports until after agenda item 10.C. At this point, Fred Cox (Salt Lake) raised a “Point of Order” that the UTGOP bylaw 2.0.C be followed: “Following the Welcome, Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance, the Agenda of all State Central Committee Meetings shall begin with the binding business if a quorum is present.”
Anderson then called for a voice/standing vote on Kathleen Anderson’s (the chair’s wife) amendment to “keep the Chair’s report at the beginning.” It failed. Then, a standing vote passed on the main motion to “move the officers report to the end of the meeting.”
Note: According to UTGOP bylaws, “the Agenda of all State Central Committee meetings shall begin with the binding business if a quorum is present. Delegation, committees, and auxiliary reports shall follow binding business.” Officer reports were listed as the first agenda item. So, a motion was made, seconded, and passed to move the officer reports until after all binding business needing a quorum. (The officers saw this as an attempt to silence them, but this is a common motion at the first SCC meeting where there are lengthy elections.) The first item of business was to elect 5 members to the audit committee, 7 members to the constitution and bylaws committee, and 8 members to the executive committee (2 per each congressional district).
Around 10:10 a.m., Peter Greathouse (Millard) made a motion “to refer all CB items to the new Constitution and Bylaws Committee.” Then, a point of order was raised that this motion did not have a second, which was ignored, and the motion was passed by a standing vote.
Mary Burkett (WashCo) made a motion to add 20 minutes of discussion time to the agenda before the officer reports about members concerns and questions regarding salaries, meeting notification, and SCC ratification of the Executive Director and party personnel. The motion passed by a standing vote.
A motion was then made by Brady Jugler (Davis) to “not allow any candidates that did not meet the filing deadline for anything today.” There was a least one candidate, Jessica Christopher (SL County), who failed to meet the filing deadline as prescribed in the bylaws, yet she was listed as a candidate. However, another candidate, Mark Hurd (Box Elder), had filed late, but earlier than Jessica, and was not listed as a candidate. Anderson incorrectly repeated the motion as “Jessica Christopher not be allowed consideration” on the Constitution and Bylaws Committee ballot. A ‘Point of Order” was said that the motion specified all candidates who didn’t meet the deadline. Anderson rephrased the motion to ‘eliminate all candidates who didn’t file by the deadline.” Don Guymon (Davis) then raised another “Point of Order” that the “bylaw cannot be overridden and the bylaw specifically states 48 hours.” Anderson rightly sustained Guymon’s Point of Order and then said that “the agenda will be adopted as printed and altered without objection.” There was no objection.
Around 10:20 a.m., Lisa Shepherd (party Secretary), asked to read aloud the minutes from the Executive Sessions from the 2/4/2017 SCC meeting and the 2/25/2017 special meeting. Carrie Dickson (parliamentarian) said the minutes didn’t need to be read and all the minutes were approved without any objection. The secretary reminded the chair that Executive Sessions need to be read aloud and have always been in the past to be approved.
Note: Executive session minutes are not published and only read at the next meeting during an executive session called for that purpose. Regular meeting minutes are customarily not available until just before the next meeting. Since Anderson canceled the June 10 meeting, the minutes were not made available until he asked the secretary for them in August.
Committee Reports
Peter Greathouse (former CBC Chair) suggested that the SCC consider the candidates more carefully and that the committee did not meet to review the Constitution and Bylaws proposals. Helen Redd (AC Chair) thanked the party treasurer for attending the meetings and thanked the members for their service. Abe Young (party Treasurer) stated that the Budget Committee met and approved a preliminary operating budget of $553,000 in revenue and $506,000 in annual expenses. There was one dissenting vote and some members of the committee raised questions that would be addressed later.
Elections (Let the Games Begin)
Around 10:25 a.m., without prior notice, Anderson announced that electronic voting was going to be used for the elections. Gina Worthen (Cache) raised a ‘Point of Order” that the bylaws do not allow for electronic voting and that Robert’s Rules of Order defines a ballot as paper. She then made a motion that “we vote by paper ballot.” Anderson had to consult with the parliamentarian about this and stated that the ruling was that “an electronic ballot is a … form of a ballot. It doesn’t have to be paper.” No rule was cited to support this. Anderson then moved to “allow electronic voting.”
Several other members stepped forward to voice their concerns with electronic voting; the lack of secrecy, hacking potential, etc. Don Guymon (Davis) asked for a demonstration and made a motion to delay Anderson’s motion (the chair is not supposed to make motions) until after the demonstration. Anderson asked for a standing vote that “all in favor of the demonstration and then to vote on the use of this method.” The motion passed.
It was finally determined that Giles Witherspoon (whose program it was) would explain the system, then members could ask questions and test the system. So, for the next hour, Witherspoon talked about the system, the security, data safety and encryption. He explained that the test would be performed on the public web and offered devices for those who didn’t have one. Only credentialed SCC delegates would be able to vote and poll watchers would be watching as the votes came in.
During this time, with total disregard to decorum and respect to other members, Utah House Representative Kim Coleman left and returned with a roll of tinfoil. She and others made tinfoil hats to mock those who were concerned with the electronic voting system. Coleman stated in a Facebook post that this was done during a recess.
This was not done during the recess but in meeting and while trying to get the electronic voting system to work. The recess was not taken until AFTER the first round of paper ballot voting was done and the votes were being counted. Participants included Adam Gardner former house rep, now SL County Recorder; Daryl Acumen; the SL County Chairman, and a few others. (The joke was on them, because not only did the electronic voting NOT work, was possibly hacked, AND was used to spy on the SCC members according to the state party chairman.)
Around 11:00 a.m., Kera Birkeland (Morgan) made a motion “to use paper and electronically vote” so the votes could be double checked for accuracy of the system. The motion was seconded but no vote was taken. Witherspoon simply went on with his explanation. Bob McEntee (Weber) called a “Point of Order” to vote on Birkeland’s motion. Anderson ruled him out of order.
Giles instructed everyone to log into the building’s WiFi (using their cell phones or computers) and specifically told the members to not use their carrier’s data plan, but to login directly to the WiFi system with the displayed logon and password. He then instructed the members to log into and create an account with his system, so a test could be performed. Some were concerned about secret balloting and having their vote tied to the login. People without phones could go to the back and use devices provided by Witherspoon. There were problems! This was taking quite a bit of time. Members tried to login and run a test, but the system failed. They failed to run a simple test.
Some SCC members have speculated that the site ‘’ was created specifically to hack into everyone’s phones for the express purpose of stealing their data. The site is no longer active.
At 11:37 a.m. Anderson finally said that paper ballots would be used and that each candidate would have one minute to speak, followed by the vote with a majority needed to win. Around 12:10 p.m. members were given blank paper ballots that they wrote the names on and at 12:37 p.m., the poll watchers went to the elections room. At 12:40 p.m. the polls closed.
As usual, many members decided to stretch their legs, go to the bathroom, etc., until the meeting was called back to order. Many members went out into the hall or the foyer area during the chaos where the party had provided a soda bar and some treats.
Meanwhile, back in the meeting room, as the remaining members were talking amongst themselves, Anderson starts talking in a normal tone that can barely be heard over all the noise. He says that the meeting was going to resume with the agenda. There was no objection.
UTGOP Auxiliary Approvals
Anderson announced that he, the Vice Chair, along with the parliamentarian, had reviewed the auxiliaries who were re-petitioning for auxiliary status. Auxiliary status gives their chair or president a VOTING seat on the SCC and on the State Executive Committee (SEC). None of these auxiliaries were approved by the SEC, as required by the bylaws, because the SEC did not have a quorum. Anderson never pounded a gavel, nor did he have anyone inform those outside the room that the meeting would be resuming. He just quietly started the meeting.
Anderson moved by use of a stated “without objection” that the auxiliaries “be retained in their current form”. There was an objection (Elizabeth Carlin, Weber) with a motion to have each auxiliary voted on separately. Anderson called for a standing vote and ruled that the motion had failed. Carlin then called for a division count. Anderson doubled down on his original motion. Someone raised a “Point of Order” about Carlin’s motion. Anderson asked for a standing vote again. There were 22 for and 30 against. Anderson moved (according to party rules the chair isn’t supposed to make motions in larger committees) that “without objection, those are our current auxiliaries.” There was no objection. The majority of the attending SCC members, 83, were still out of the room during this vote. Many thought that Anderson was trying to secure his wife, Daryl Acumen and friends voting seats on the SEC and SCC. The chair’s wife is president of the Utah Federation of Republican Women. Acumen is over the Black Republican Assembly.
The approved auxiliaries were:
The Utah Federation of Republican Women
The Utah Hispanic Republican Assembly
The Black Republican Assembly
The Young Republicans
The College Republicans
The Teenage Republicans.
Two newly applying auxiliaries were denied auxiliary status. Not by the SEC, nor by the SCC, but by Joni Crane and the parliamentarian Carrie Dickson. One member, whose auxiliary application was rejected, stepped up to the mic and asked why they were rejected. Anderson said “there was something wrong with their bylaws, that they had their own platform, and that there was already a Republican Women’s group auxiliary.” The Vice Chair and parliamentarian do not like that group of women, because it competes with their moderate women’s group. They did everything they could to make sure the URWLC were denied. Remember, Anderson’s wife runs the other Republican Women’s group. Anderson never recused himself from chairing the portion of the meeting where his wife’s auxiliary was approved and the other group was denied. More information about the rejected auxiliary, the Republican Women’s Liberty Caucus can be found here:
2018 Nominating Convention Voting Method
While most of the members were still out of the room, a member (Benjamin Thompson, SL) moved that multiple round balloting be used for state convention. Another member, Nancy Lord (SL), then moved to amend and that she had submitted her motion for the agenda, to use preference voting. Anderson asked that Lord withdraw her motion and that this was going to be an ‘either or” motion. She did not withdraw her motion to amend. Debate began on the two motions. Anderson recognized a non-SCC member, State Senator Dan Thatcher, to speak against preference voting. Holly Rabanne (Tooele) raised a ‘Point of Order’ asking why a non-member was allowed to speak. Anderson responded because he recognized him, then instructed the member to take her seat telling her that she was “dismissed.”
Another “Point of Order” questioned if multi-county races would also be using this method. Anderson responded yes and debate began anew. Anderson then jumped into the fray and spoke in favor of multi-round voting. Someone raised another “Point of Order” that the chair was addressing the motion. Anderson stated that he was just speaking factually (and, yes, he was speaking in favor of the motion).
Anderson called for a standing vote “to use multiple round balloting at convention next year.” A vote was taken and Anderson said the motion passed. It was very close. Someone called for a division count and Anderson said “we will not use division today.” Again, division was called for along with a “Point of Order” that once “division is called the chair is obligated to use it.” (Note: Division does not require a second, and cannot be debated, or amended. It cannot be simply dismissed).
Then, Nancy Lord (SL) called for a “roll call vote.” The bylaws say that it takes at least 25% of those present to require a roll call vote. There were 133 members credentialed, but many of them were still out of the room (including poll watchers and elections volunteers, as well as those out drinking and eating what the party provided). Anderson announced that it would take 33 members to call for a roll call vote (¼ of the 133), rather than ¼ of the members who were in the room participating. Anderson ruled that the motion failed, because there were just short of 33 who voted for it. Note: The bylaws call for 25% of those present, not credentialed.
A member immediately appealed the ruling of the Chair. It was seconded. Anderson simply said that he noted the objection, but he completely ignored it and did nothing about it. (Note: Robert’s Rules state: “if a motion to appeal the ruling of the Chair is seconded, the chair should state clearly the question at issue, and his reasons for the decision if he thinks it necessary, and then state the question thus:, ‘Shall the decision of the chair be sustained?’”)
Count My Vote Lawsuit Resolution
Next on the agenda was Daryl Acumen’s resolution to end the lawsuit appeal immediately. Anderson rightfully stepped down from chairing that portion of the meeting, since he had been advocating for dropping the lawsuit. The Vice Chair took over as chair.
Acumen ranted and raved throughout his lengthy presentation. (There were several reporters at the meeting, observing, recording, and taking notes.) Don Guymon (Davis) stepped up to the mic and announced that he had a substitute resolution. He gave it to the Vice Chair, who conferred with the parliamentarian. She announced that they could not substitute the resolution, but that each would be considered separately. The Vice Chair read the resolution, which was in support of the caucus system and in support of continuing the appeal on the lawsuit.
The resolution ended with cheers to this statement, “Whereas, the Party Chair stated his support for the lawsuit at the Davis County convention. Therefore, be it resolved, the Utah Republican Party State Central Committee supports the Utah Republican Party appeal before the 10th District Court and directs the party officers to use all means necessary to defend our party’s legal rights.”
When it came time to debate and vote on these serious resolutions, members were concerned that the majority of members were still in counting ballots, poll watching, or eating. The Vice Chair said that the parliamentarian had “ruled” that the absent members had chosen to be out of the room and that the voting would proceed. Brent Odenwalder made a motion to recess until the other members could return. There was no debate. The Vice Chair ruled that a standing vote passed and the body went into recess at 1:15pm. Many SCC members again left the meeting room, since they were now in recess.
Five minutes later, the Vice Chair recognized Thomas Wright, National Committeeman, who made the motion ‘to come out of recess and listen to delegation reports.”
Several members said that a motion could not be made while in recess. But, the parliamentarian and the vice-chair said it’s okay. A standing vote was passed by about 60 of the 133 that had signed in and remained and the meeting resumed. Layne Beck (Cache) made a ‘Point of Order’ that “the previous motion was to be in recess until the counting was done.” (Note: The governing rules do not allow motions on the floor while the assembly is in recess unless the time or reason for ending recess has been achieved.)
Delegation Reports
The Vice Chair allowed the delegation reports, the national committee reports, and the auxiliary and officer reports. No motion had been made to change the agenda, which would take 2/3 of the body to pass, yet they changed the agenda anyway.
During this time, the parliamentarian also went into the secure elections room several times, checking the status of the votes and giving orders as though she were also the elections chair. Committee members didn’t even know who the elections chair was, because it was never announced.
Lt. Gov. Spencer Cox talked about the Rio Grande improvements and stated that 25,000 jobs were created in rural Utah counties. He did not thank the businesses that actually created the jobs.
Anne-Marie Lampropoulos (National Committeewoman) talked about how successful the RNC had been in raising over $86 million and still had $47 million on hand. She also announced a new and improved database that could predict voting behavior, that Thomas Wright had ben elected as RNC VP, and that she was on the Rules Committee and was taking suggestions.
Thomas Wright (National Committeeman) talked about how the party had turned itself around after Mitt Romney’s loss and thought that the party could lose 30 seats in the next election. He was humbled that the committee had allowed him to serve and defend our constitutional principles.
Around 1:40 p.m., Kathleen Anderson, the president of the Utah Federation of Republican Women, announced the Women Candidate Training and Winning for Women programs that the RNC was launching, and that the fall conference is in the beginning of November.
Next, Daryl Acumen, the President and Supreme Commander for Life of the Utah Black Assembly, shared that his small, little group wanted to add value and that he was not charging the usual $300-$400 a month for the party to use his server. He noted enthusiastically that Giles’ program, that failed spectacularly two hours earlier, could be used throughout the state.
Only a handful of members, 6 out of 41, of the Black Assembly are even black, and no meetings have been held, yet that is supposedly the voter block that he represents. Many of the members are reported to be “members” of Jeremy Roberts’ and Dana Dickson’s (yes, husband of parliamentarian Carrie Dickson) group, the Buckshot Caucus.
One of the SEC members inquired about Acumen’s bylaws and the lack of an election process. The parliamentarian had told the Executive Committee prior to the SCC meeting that it “wasn’t a requirement”. Dickson also told the EC that once an auxiliary had been approved, that we couldn’t remove them unless they changed their bylaws or otherwise no longer qualified. So basically, Acumen is like a supreme court justice—appointed for life as a voting member of the SCC and State Executive Committee. A summary on the life and escapades of Acumen (including his real name) can be found at the end of this article.)
Then, a representative of the Teenage Republicans said that donations to the group will go toward expenses to attend the national convention. Volunteers are needed to teach Republicans values and principles.
Last up was the President of the RURAL auxiliary, Kris Udy, who said the group was in the process of organizing to have a voice.
Officer Reports
Andeson resumed as chair right before the reports, around 1:45 p.m..
Lisa Shepard, Party Secretary, told of her activities from last February to present. She thanked former Chairman James Evans for his many years of service and also paid respects to the other past and current secretaries. She announced that there were 84 new members of the SCC. She talked about her reformatting the bylaws last year and thanked former Chairman James Evans for his support to do so. She also thanked the Constitution and Bylaws Committee for their review and said that she re-sent some minor clerical changes for a later review. She talked about how counties could share resources and not keep reinventing the wheel. She said she sent the CD3 convention attendance report to the County Chairs in the District.
Abe Young, the Party Treasurer, told the group that the Party had $32,000 in the bank. He wasn’t sure about the payables and debt because he was negotiating to have them reduced from the current $178,000. One member asked how much the party owed Marcus Mumford and the convention vendors. Young said that Mumford had not yet billed the UTGOP but had told the Court his attorney fees were $380,000. Young then said that some checks bounced because some other checks had been presented that he didn’t know about, but now, all the vendors had been paid.
Around 2:10 p.m., the Vice Chair, said that she was working really, really hard and trying her best to live up to her campaign promises. She said she had also made the delegates priorities her priorities, and was being responsible and cutting expenses, and trying to get the finances under control by streamlining, saving money and raising money. She had audited the operation, reviewed the books and was deciding where the money went. She thanked those who had helped her. She stated that she has raised the Elephant Club’s fee to $1,500 a year because it was losing money. She had asked the White House for cabinet members that could speak at fundraisers and had success in supporting the Back in Black event. She said that the grassroots people would be invited to most events and heaped praise on Kathleen Anderson, the Chair’s wife, for being a fundraising “Rock Star” and a marvelous organizer.
She stated that the ‘Back in Black” event had netted $106,414 and wanted the donors and SCC to get to know each other a little better and reminded everyone that SCC members are always welcome and then shared the future events.
Chair Rob Anderson’s Report
Anderson started by expressing his desire for efficiency during meetings. He mentioned the elimination of Robert’s Rules of Order (replacing them with Dickson’s Rules of Deception?) as a way to do that (Daryl Acumen later referred to them as “Robert’s Rules for Radicals). Anderson stated that his efforts are all about the budget and introduced the GOP staff who he said was happy to be paid $8.50 an hour for working so hard.
He then named the budget committee and announced that Marcus Jessop was elected the BC chair, and then resigned. He was replaced by Lisa Bagley. He asked that he “continue to operate, without objection, until the November meeting where a clear budget will be presented for approval.” There was no objection.
He mentioned centralized communication with a program called Mantel. It is unclear if he was talking about “Red Mantel Communications” in MA or “Mantel Communications” out of Germany. (Apparently, there are no communication companies in Utah?)
He talked about party unity and how he was opposed to the method used but not opposed to the lawsuit. He mentioned a conversation with Mike Leavitt and Rich McKeown. McKeown told Anderson that they had $2.3 million in the bank, 100 donors of $10k each and was going to use the company ‘Gather’ for collecting signatures and will put it on the ballot on April 15, 2018. (Anderson didn’t mention if McKeown offered ny proof for the donations)
Anderson talked about not receiving the minutes of the 2/25/2017 SCC meeting until he returned from the cruise he was on and after he talked with Marcus Mumford. He was upset that some members of the SCC had talked with Mumford directly and told them to stop it and come to him [Anderson] directly if they had any questions and he would authorize them to talk with Mumford if he [Anderson] couldn’t answer the question. He said that it was a legal gamble about recovering attorney fees and that it could be 2-3 years to go onto the Supreme Court at a cost of $500K. He said he was wooing back donors who had left because of the lies James Evans had made to the donors with broken promises to drop the lawsuit. It appears that Anderson and Acumen have done everything they can to fulfill those political promises.
He talked about using a plan from Georgia that won that race by sending emails, knocking on doors, and phone calls. He mentioned that there are over 700,000 registered Republicans in Utah but the GOP only has 80,000 email addresses with an open rate of 1,000. He wants to educate people [Democrats] moving to Utah by pointing out the failed policies they left behind and that the caucus system would be useful in doing that, if we all worked together. The caucuses will use electronic check-in that elected officials can access.
Anderson’s report lasted about 20 minutes and was designed to encourage the SCC to drop the lawsuit. As he was finishing up his report, without missing a beat, he slipped a little blurb into his long speech that could have gone unnoticed if one were not paying attention. He simply said that “things happened” with the program, that Giles and Acumen could attest, and that the IT guys “accidentally” tapped into your cellphones and monitored all text messages, data activities and “things like that”. They had figured out what the problem was with the electronic voting and it would be fixed before the next meeting.
Then he said something like, “We’re not going to make an issue out of this, are we?” He asked the members to not disclose the problem with monitoring everyone’s phones and stated that there will be automatic data entry at the caucuses that will be provided to the candidates by 10 p.m. that day. His door is always opened. (A YouTube video that includes this incident AND his lawyer’s reply at the Nov SCC meeting can be found here.)
The SCC members were dumbfounded. They looked at each other and asked if Anderson really said what they thought he just said. And, was he serious? They didn’t know, but weird things happened that day with some of the member’s phones and some had issues with them for the next week or more. Some actually had to reset their phones. Acumen was heard to make statements that he knew what was on the intercepted data. (Note: According to an email from his mother, he even hacked into her email.)
VIDEO: Utah GOP Chair “Accidentally” Spied on SCC Members
The election results finally came in and a second round of voting started for two seats.
At 2:55 p.m., more ballots were distributed. The polls were opened, then closed minutes later. After the election voting, there were multiple motions and questions going on. When the members finally voted on something, it was unclear exactly what they were voting on. It was chaos and people were asking for clarification of the motion, while they were voting, and the Vice Chair and parliamentarian were counting votes. They think that whatever motion they voted on, passed. Here’s a rundown of the last 9 minutes:
Someone moved to conduct “the vote on the resolution a little earlier prior to the counting of the votes for the election.” No one called a second. Anderson repeated the motion and said there was a second and wanted a standing vote. A “Point of Order’ was raised about not being able to hear because of the noise. Another was raised asking about the poll watchers. Anderson restated the motion “to go to the resolution and conduct that before the ballot counting which was the previous motion, to readdress Acumen’s motion before balloting.” Another “Point f Order” was raised about not being able to hear the motion. Again, Anderson repeated the motion.
Don Guymon (Davis) raised another “Point of Order” about another resolution on the floor and no vote was offered or taken. Bill Olson (Weber) raised another “Point of Order” saying he” was a poll watcher and was not included in everything that was going on in this room and I object to it at this time.” For the fifth time, Anderson restated the motion “to continue on with the resolution.” Two more “Points of Order”
were raised by Cherilyn Eagar (SL) that “the poll watchers were not in the room” and “we have a substitute resolution that is in order.” Then, Anderson asked for a standing vote on ‘those in favor of continuing with the resolution at this time, please stand and raise your credential.”
The nay vote [31] was not heard and was not reported to the secretary. Anderson said that the resolution had passed, before the votes were counted, and then gave the chair back to the Vice Chair. Norm Thurston (Utah) motioned to adjourn the meeting by a standing vote. The members had already been there over 5 hours, things were getting shoved through, and everything was getting jumbled and confusing. The motion passed and the meeting was adjourned. The Vice Chair said that the ballot counting would continue and directed the poll watchers to go to the counting room and that the results would be posted on the website sometime within the next week. The meeting ended at 3:04 p.m.
Election results were never posted. The members are now being told that election results will not be posted (even though they know the results). And furthermore, elections will not be continued, because now Anderson has declared that instead of unfilled election seats, the two remaining seats are “vacancies” and they will start new elections for them at the next meeting on November 4, 2017.
It’s no wonder that the secretary’s minutes for this meeting were not accepted at the November meeting. Now we know why. It is against the rules to not make corrections. There is no other way to approve the minutes according to Roberts.
After the meeting was adjourned, the reporters spoke to Anderson and a few other people. The reporters informed one of the other people they interviewed that Anderson said he could end the lawsuit without SCC approval. That greatly concerned many of the members when they heard it, so they quickly called a meeting in another room and 53 of them signed a letter stating that the SCC is the governing body of the party, etc. They emailed, and snail mailed, that letter to Anderson privately. It seems that he chose to make it public, so people would think that he was a victim and people were trying to remove him. (Read the last paragraph of the letter to see the intent.) Anderson referred to the signers as 53 Rogue SCC Members.
Anderson, and his gang have since done everything they can to bully and intimidate the signers of the letter. Some of the signers felt that they needed to send a letter to the other SCC members to clarify their intent. There was a lot of blow-back when that email was sent.
Afterward, outside in the parking lot, a few of the SCC members were standing around yakking, when someone, not an SCC member, made a motion to give Rob Anderson the nickname of RAM-Rob. Another attendee suggested that the nickname “Hackerman” be given to Daryl Acumen. A standing vote was called for and the motions passed. It wasn’t even close. No one knows if the non-SCC member was even a Republican. At that point, what difference did it make?
Election Results:
Audit Committee: Reed Taylor, Layne Beck, Nick Lang, Drew Chamberlain, Helen Redd
Executive Committee CD Representatives:
CD1: Kera Birkeland, Bob McEntee
CD2: Andrew Young, Don Guymon
CD3: Chris Herrod, Kendra Seeley
CD4: Jessica Christopher and pending
Constitution and Bylaws Committee (Round 1)
Elected by majority: Janice Legler, Peter Greathouse, Willie Billings, Phill Wright, Janene Burton, Don Guymon. Round 2 Pending
EC CD4 Representatives (Round 1)
Elected: Jessica Christopher (Round 2 pending)
Letter to Rob Anderson
Saturday, September 9, 2017
Chairman Anderson
Relying on Article IV (A) of the Constitution of the Utah Republican Party, it is our belief, assertion and understanding that the State Central Committee is “the governing and policy making body of the Party.”
It is our duty and intention to assert and exercise the authority granted the State Central Committee to its full extent in managing and directing the SB54 lawsuit. The SB54 lawsuit may not be dropped without the decision of the State Central Committee to do so. On February 25, 2017, the State Central Committee decided that the SB54 lawsuit will proceed. To date, there has been no change in that decision.
It is the responsibility of the State Central Committee to hold all, including its Party Officers, accountable to act in accordance with the Party’s Constitution, Bylaws and Rules. We will exercise our right of remedy against any party that abrogates the authority or acts against the will of the State Central Committee regarding matters within its powers as described by the Party’s Constitution.
Our intention is not to attack party leadership; our purpose is to protect our Constitution and the Powers it vests in the State Central Committee.
Sincerely, State Central Committee Members (See attached signatures)
CC: Marcus Mumford, Attorney at Law
The State Central Committee shall be the governing and policy making body of the Party.
September 11, 2017 Signatories
to UTGOP SCC Governance Memorandum